Elemental Energy: Earth
K-Type: Supervisor
Tagline:Lions are Leaders
“Gentlemen…this is a football” said the coach indicating that there would be a focus on the basics.
In 1959, Lombardi signed a five-year deal to head up the Green Bay Packers. Under Lombardi’s tight-fisted leadership, the struggling Packers were transformed into hard-nosed winners: Over the course of his career with the team, he led the club to a 98-30-4 record and five championships, including three straight titles, from 1965 to 1967. The team never suffered a losing season under the Hall of Fame coach.
After retiring from coaching following the 1967 season and working strictly as the Packers’ general manager, Lombardi left Green Bay in 1969 to return to the field as the head coach of the Washington Redskins. With his new franchise, Lombardi proved to have his old touch, leading the club to its first winning record in 14 years.
A second year with the Redskins, though, never materialized for Lombardi. In the summer of 1970, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of colon cancer. He died nearly two months later, on September 3, 1970.
As a tribute, the NFL’s Super Bowl trophy was named in his honor shortly after his passing. In 1971 the late coach was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. (biography.com)
PsySign Summary
Lions are hardworking traditionalists, eager to take charge in organizing projects and people. Orderly, rule-abiding, and conscientious, they like to get things done, and tend to go about projects in a systematic, methodical way.
LIons are the consummate organizers, and want to bring structure to their surroundings. They value predictability and prefer things to proceed in a logical order. When they see a lack of organization, the ESTJ often takes the initiative to establish processes and guidelines, so that everyone knows what’s expected. (truity.com)
More About Lions
Lions are one of the most widely recognised animal symbols in human culture, and have been extensively depicted in sculptures and paintings, on national flags, and in contemporary films and literature. Cultural depictions of lions were prominent in the Upper Paleolithic period; carvings and paintings from the Lascaux and Chauvet Caves in France have been dated to 17,000 years ago, and depictions have occurred in virtually all ancient and medieval cultures that coincided with the lion’s former and current ranges.
The lion (Panthera leo) is a muscular, deep-chested big cat with a short, rounded head, a reduced neck and round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. Males are larger than females and have a prominent mane, which is the most recognisable feature of the species. A lion pride consists of a few adult males, related females and cubs. Groups of female lions typically hunt together, preying mostly on large ungulates. The species is an apex and keystone predator, although they scavenge when opportunities occur. Some lions have been known to hunt humans, although the species typically does not.
Typically, the lion inhabits grasslands and savannas but is absent in dense forests. In the Pleistocene, the lion ranged throughout Eurasia, Africa and the Americas from the Yukon to Peru but today it has been reduced to fragmented populations in Sub-Saharan Africa and one critically endangered population in western India. Lion populations are untenable outside designated protected areas. Although the cause of the decline is not fully understood, habitat loss and conflicts with humans are the greatest causes for concern. (wikipedia.org)
Energy Signature – Te, Si, Ne, Fi
Lions lead with external thinking which makes them one of the most “left-brained” and serious of all types. Leading with a decision function, they believe it is their job to make decisions and the do. Internal Sensing allows them to keep an eye on the past.
Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, LIon’s (ESTJ’s) natural partner is the Octopus(ISTP), or the Owl (INTP). An ESTJ’s dominant function of Extraverted Thinking is best matched with someone whose dominant function is Introverted Thinking. (personalitypage.com)
- Sales Engineer
- Stockbroker
- Insurance Agent
- Sales Manager
- Purchasing Agent
- Real Estate Agent
- Hotel Manager
- Credit Analyst
- Budget Analyst
- Insurance Adjuster
- Financial Counselor
- Project Manager
- Management Consultant
- Office Manager
- Public Administrator
- Chief Financial Officer
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- Military Officer
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- Farmer or Rancher
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- Attorney
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- School Principal
- Property Manager
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- Pharmacist
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- Athletic Trainer
- Civil Engineer
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- Industrial Engineer
- Flight Engineer
- Database Administrator
- Real Estate Appraiser
- Cost Estimator
- Building Inspector
- Factory Supervisor
- General Contractor
- Funeral Director
Likely Famous (of this style)
- Theresa May
- Condoleezza Rice
- Michelle Obama
- Michelle Malkin
- Bill O’Reilly
- Billy Graham
- Sonia Sotomayor
- Nancy Grace
- Judge Judy
- Ivanka Trump
- Vince Lombardi
- J Edgar Hoover
- Martha Stewart
- Lyndon B Johnson
- James Monroe
- Andrew Jackson
- William Henry Harrison
- Grover Cleveland
- George W Bush
- Dr. Bill Frist
Other Trivia
- Detroit Lions Professional Football Team
College Mascots for:
- Columbia University
- Pennsylvania State University
- Loyola Marymount University
- Georgian Court University
- The College of New Jersey
- Lincoln University
- University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
- University of North Alabama
- Paine College
- Utrecht University
- Southeastern Louisiana University
- Texas A&M University – Commerce
- Point Loma Nazarene University
- Missouri Southern State University
- Dowling College
- Bryan College
- North Central Texas College
- Bryn Athyn College
- College of Mount St. Joseph